NaNoWriMo 2023 ML Kit
NaNoWriMo 2023 ML Kit
A yellow window frame looks out on a blue starry night. A leopard lies on a tree branch. Around the window frame and on the desk inside the window is a dragon, a monkey riding a turtle, a white cat sleeping, and assorted foliage. The red typewriter from the sticker sits on the desk, and a stack of white paper with writing on it sits next to the typewriter. The words "National Novel Writing Month" are in hot pink text out the window, and "2023" is on the paper in the typewriter.
ML Region Giveaways - NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo 2023 ML Kit

This year’s ML kit pre-order is over but limited numbers of ML kits are available to order now. 

Because this year's kit was primarily done as a pre-order, we can't guarantee the number of stickers you request will be available, but we will do our best to get stickers to everyone!

Your kit will include:

  • One folded poster, perfect for identifying your group at an in-person event or hanging behind you at a virtual one
  • A set of stickers to distribute to your participants. You may order a minimum of 25 stickers and a maximum of 300 stickers per kit. 

Please coordinate with your co-MLs to order one kit per region unless your region is geographically spread out enough that you don't see your co-MLs at any point.

Not sure how many stickers to order? 

Consult the ML Swag FAQ!

Other ML goodies

Order this year's collectible ML pin for each ML in your region here! If you don't plan to distribute stickers to your region this year, you can order a pin without ordering an ML kit.